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35450 Profitable Garden & Landscaping Business – Run Under Management

Are you in search of a reliable, profitable business with an outstanding reputation? This company offers expert grounds maintenance services for all things green and growing, building strong, long-term relationships with key commercial and residential clients, including large industrial sites. With over two decades of delivering exceptional garden and landscaping services across Brisbane, this business is a proven success.


The work never stops – in fact, there’s so much demand that new projects are being turned away! The business is in a prime position for continued growth, with ongoing tender opportunities and an industry that’s only getting stronger. A well-optimised website and active social media presence help drive business, while high-quality systems, policies, procedures, and compliance documents ensure smooth operations. Real-time client and WHS reporting are in place, and the business has been externally certified for over a decade, making it a trusted and reliable contractor for major clients. 


This is a mobile business with modern, reliable vehicles and equipment, meaning low fixed costs and no need for a physical shopfront. Run under management with a skilled team requiring minimal owner involvement, profitability is on the rise, and the potential for expansion is enormous. Whether you’re an investor looking for a well-oiled machine or a hands-on owner keen to drive growth, this opportunity ticks all the boxes. 


Key Features:
- 20+ years of delivering quality service across commercial and residential sectors of Brisbane. 
- Strong long-term relationships with major clients, including large industrial sites. 
- Increasing profitability with significant growth potential and a steady stream of tender opportunities.
- Well-established website and social media presence with SEO optimisation. 
- Run under management with a skilled team, providing flexible options for owner involvement.
- Externally certified for over 10 years, ensuring safety and compliance. 
- Established systems and procedures in place, with ongoing support offered to the new owner.
- Modern, reliable vehicles and equipment with low fixed costs.


The current owner is happy to consult closely with the new buyer to ensure a smooth transition and continued success. Opportunities like this don’t come along every day – a booming industry, strong systems, incredible client relationships, and huge growth potential. Submit an enquiry today to find out more!

Suburb Brisbane City
Price $600,000
Property Type Business
Category Services, Home/Garden, Home/Garden

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Bonza Business Sales Brisbane

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