
19023 Luxury Handbag Online Business

You can ask any women out there and they will all say the same thing - Happiness is buying a new handbag.

This popular online store not only provides a highly desirable product but also allows the owner flexible hours and a great work/life balance. This business turns over an impressive income and has the potential for massive growth. The great news is that the online store can be operated anywhere there is an internet connection and the range of products which can be offered to customers is endless. Online shopping is the direction the world is turning and this store already has this system in place.

This business is incredibly easy to run with just one person and comes with everything you need to continue on the previous success. You will not be left in the dark, training on day to day operation, stock ordering and other help can be provided to a new owner to assist with a smooth, stress free transition.

The location of the store is perfect, within walking distance to Swinburne University and the train/tram station and surrounded by the affluent suburbs of Hawthorn, Kew and Balwyn.

Stock value included in the sale is $40,000, with a RRP value of $125,000.

Walk in, take over this business, and immediately hit the ground running. Complete an enquiry with Bonza today to receive more information.
Suburb Hawthorn East
Price SOLD
Property Type Business
Category Retail, Retail, Retail

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Bonza Business Sales Melbourne

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